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Whether you travel by train, live nearby or further afield, this is an opportunity for a small commitment to make a BIG difference. The key to the survival of the Station House is the role it can play beyond its historical purpose. The Station House is ideal for news and information to be amplified across the area and carried up and down the line. Please join us on the journey!

The Society’s charitable objects are incorporated into a set of rules monitored by the Financial Conduct Authority and HMRC. The Society is governed according to these rules by a Board of Trustee-Directors that is elected by its members to run the Society. A community benefit society promotes common values of social responsibility and equity; concern for community, and co-operation amongst members. It also enables partnership work with other organisations to achieve common objectives…

Membership is open to any individual (aged 16 and over), or organisation, that supports the Society’s values and charitable objects. Members purchase a non-withdrawable share in the Society known as a community share. It is of nominal value, giving no financial return, but entitles the holder to a vote at Annual General Meetings.

£5 membership fee includes:-

  • £1 community share in the society
  • £4 renewable annual subscription
  • A vote at Annual General Meetings and to elect the Trustee-Directors

Through one-person one-vote; one-organisation one-vote, members help and support the Society, so that everyone can enjoy the Station House. An annual subscription covers the cost of servicing the membership.

3 steps to membership

  1. Complete and return membership application form
  2. Membership approval by Board of Trustee-Directors
  3. Issue of share certificate


For further information Contact